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How Stands The Glass Around Why Soldiers Why Lyrics

Jim Douglas How Stands The Glass Around Why Soldiers Why

How Stands the Glass Around  (Why, Soldiers, Why?)
How stands the glass around
for shame you take no care, my boys,
How stands the glass around
Let wine and mirth abound.
   the trumpet sound
   the colors they do fly my boys
   To fight kill and wound
   as you would be found,
   Contented with hard fare, my boys
   on the Cold ground
O why, soldiers why
O why should we be melancholy boys
O why soldiers why
Whose Business is to die
   What sithing [sighing] fye
   Let[s] not fear, Drink and be Jolly, boys
   you and I through wet Cold or Dry
   Our orders are to follow boys
   we scorn to flye
It is in vain
I mean not to upbraid you boys
It is in vain
for a soldier to Complain
   for the next Campaign
   we go to him that made us boys
   free from all pain
   But if you should Remain
   A Bottle and kind Landlady
   will Cure all again
from Contentment, Jim Douglas
Collected from notebook of Thos. Fanning, 1780
According to Dolph ("Sound Off!"), appeared in a London broadside
in 1710; was part of ballad opera The Patron, 1729. Sometimes
called "Wolfe's Song"
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