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Adveniat Hiems Hel

Someone believes she comes in the coldest night of the winter
Her rake will have spikes so thin my soul will never get through
Because I am heavy, fed in sins and envy uncouth
And my life belongs to her, queen of the deepest place in the world

Someone tells she'll be a grim old lady grinding teeth frighteningly
In the darkest passage of my land she'll be waiting for me to fall
To rake my thoughts and memories away from earth
And have my soul forever in her kingdom under the deepest place in the world

And they say there'll be no place to go she will not reach
Because she's thief, famine and pest
The murder awaiting in the darkest passage of my land

And they say there's no other outcome for every story
Because she's the mother of all lives strives
The murder awaiting in the darkest passage of my land

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